Wilma Joyce Bailey

Wilma Joyce Bailey

Our residents touch our lives each day. But, one resident that remains close to our hearts is Wilma Joyce Bailey. Wilma has been a resident with us at Charles Ford Retirement Communities for over 33 years. She made the move in 1986 at the age of 62, and it’s hard to imagine this place without her smiling face. 

We are so pleased Wilma was willing to share her story. Read about this incredible woman’s  childhood, life and living in New Harmony. 

Q: When were you born and where did you grow up?

A: “I was born in 1924. I spent some of my childhood in Flint, Michigan before our family moved to Illinois and then later settled into New Harmony.”

Q: Tell us some of your favorite childhood memories.

A: “I always loved to make my own clothes and craft, and I sewed in 4-H as well. But, some of my fondest memories are when I would skate with my dad. He was a great skater and loved to do it, too, so I always enjoyed spending that time with him.”

Q: What would you say are some of your talents?

A: “I guess you could say my love of crafting carried into my adulthood because I still really love to craft and make my own decorations today. I like to think I got my gift of crafting from my mother because she would help with table decorations at parties from time to time.”

Q: What is it that makes you love New Harmony so much?

A: “This may sound silly, but if you’ve ever lived in New Harmony, you will understand. To me, New Harmony just felt like “home” compared to other places.

Q: How would you say the world has changed throughout your time here on earth?

A: “Oh, everything was much more simple back then. The world was a much different place back then overall, compared to how it is now. You appreciated what you had, whether it was a lot or very little.”


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